Covert infiltration of ultra-Orthododox Jewish communities by fundamentalist Christian missionaries

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Religious residents of Yehudah and Shomron in Eretz Yisroel were stunned to learn recently that at least seven families belonging to a Christian missionary cult have been living in their communities under false pretenses.

Religious residents of Yehudah and Shomron were stunned to learn that at least seven families belonging to a Christian missionary cult have been living in their communities under false pretenses.

The story began around six months ago, when Yad L’Achim field activists spotted what appeared to be a young religious woman entering a missionary church in Tel Aviv. The activists, who were there to alert those entering the premises of the missionary danger, obtained the young women’s details and discovered that she belonged to a family of new immigrants from France living in the settlement of Eli.

Checking with its sources in the missionary cult, Yad L’Achim learned that her entire family believes in J.

Rabbi Binyamin Kluger, a senior member of Yad L’Achim who was born a French Christian and engaged in missionary activity in his youth, succeeded in tracking down other Christian families who are connected to the family. His painstaking efforts yielded incontrovertible proof of these families’ connection to Christianity.

Armed with this information, Yad L’Achim approached rabbis and leaders of these communities, including Harav Shlomo Aviner, the Rav of Beit El; Harav Avraham Schiller, the Rav of Eli, and Harav Aharon Cohen, the Rav of Yakir, and warned them of the danger in their midst.

The rabbanim, shocked at how the missionaries had deceived everyone around them, immediately mobilized to help. “This is an enemy from within. After the difficult year we have been through, this is another shock,” said one of them.

A Yad L’Achim official explained that “this is just the tip of the iceberg, and we are making efforts to identify other families involved in this.” On the advice of local rabbanim, it was decided to come out with the story now in order to warn the public about the danger in their own backyard.

Against this backdrop, Yad L’Achim, together with the leadership of Eli, organized an event to present residents with the disturbing findings regarding the family that started the whole scandal, and how to deal with the phenomenon.

“At first we thought it was a ‘sleeper cell,’ but it turns out that there are residents who have already been subjected to their preaching, and some have even been baptized,” Rabbi Kluger said. “People felt shock and betrayal. They were lied to by people they trusted, let into their homes.”

Yad L’Achim issued the following statement: “We ask the general public to keep us informed of any incidents involving missionary activity or suspicions of such activity. We are confident that the public’s input will help us uncover other such stories.”

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