Church of Scientology forced underage girl to MARRY senior official she accused of rape or spend five years in labor camp while teen was signed-up to billion-year work contract with sect, lawsuit claims

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A woman born into the Church of Scientology and drafted into its inner circle at 14 was raped by a notorious recruiter at 16 and forced to marry him when she spoke out, according to a newly unsealed lawsuit.

The woman, anonymized as Jane Doe, alleges she was groomed and sexually abused by high-ranking recruiter Gavin Potter during a series of car rides while enrolled in a ‘billion-year contract’ with the Sea Organization – a ‘clergy’ that runs the church’s operations.

The attacks are said to have taken place in California, where the age of consent is 18, with the accuser two years younger than that when the attacks began.

On reporting them, Jane Doe says she was offered the chance to embark on five years at a labor camp or to marry Potter, and says she chose the latter.

Jane Doe’s claims have come to light in a lawsuit she has brought against Potter and the church in the LA County Superior Court in December, but which was unsealed last week.

It argues the church prevented its members from reporting crimes committed by other members to police and knowingly used Potter to recruit young and vulnerable women into the abusive Sea Organization.

Jane Doe says church members consider it a ‘high crime’ to report another’s law-breaking to police, although Scientology officials insist they comply with all local laws, and encourage members to report crimes.

The lawsuit recounts how after reporting the abuse to the church, which does not allow extramarital relationships between Sea Org members, it demanded that she and Potter either marry else she would be subjected to five years of ‘isolation, food deprivation and long hours of hard manual labor’.

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