Pope Expels 10 From Peru Movement After Vatican Uncovers ‘Sadistic’ Abuses

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Pope Francis expelled 10 people—a bishop, priests and laypeople—from the Sodalitium, a Catholic movement centered in Peru, on Wednesday after the Vatican uncovered “sadistic” abuses within the movement.

Abuse has long been prevalent in religious institutions like the Catholic Church, something that Francis has previously spoken out against, expressing “shame” for it.

The Peruvian Bishops Conference posted a statement from the Vatican embassy on its website Wednesday that attributed the expulsions within the Sodalitium Christianae Vitae (SCV), or Sodalitium of Christian Life, to a “special” decision from Francis.

The Vatican found physical abuses “including with sadism and violence,” sect-like abuses of conscience, spiritual abuse, abuses of authority, economic abuses in administering church money and the “abuse in the exercise of the apostolate of journalism” in the SVC, according to its statement.

Content retrieved from: https://www.newsweek.com/pope-francis-expel-peru-sodalitium-abuses-1959514.

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