Child Star Shocker! Christina Ricci Reveals Hollywood SAVED Her From Violent ‘Failed Cult Leader’ Father!

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Christina Ricci is opening up about her childhood in the limelight… But it might not be exactly what you expect to hear.

Demi Lovato’s directorial debut Child Star, which examines what growing up in the spotlight does to a person, is officially available to stream on Hulu now. It features interviews with Drew Barrymore, JoJo Siwa, Kenan Thompson, and others… Namely The Addams Family star, who had a much different experience with early stardom than her contemporaries.

See, child stardom didn’t wreak havoc on her mental health as it does for some. No, Hollywood saved her from a home that was already doing that.

In a candid conversation with Demi, Christina recalls:

“I was really unhappy in my home life and at school. I was really bored and I was getting into really crazy trouble at 7. As soon as I started going on auditions every day after school with my mother, all of that stopped. But what I really loved is getting to go with my mom on the bus to New York. My mother was kept in a place in my home where she was not present. As soon as she and I got out of the house, she had a personality. We became very close.”

Her mother was “kept” in a limiting space? By whom? Well, Christina’s volatile father, it would seem. She explains to Demi how he caused her to have a “very chaotic” childhood:

“My father was a failed cult leader and so he had all that really crazy narcissism that goes along with someone wanting to run a cult.”

WTF! A “failed cult leader”?? Poor Christina! And a good reminder you don’t have to go to Tinseltown to find crazy narcissism…

The Then and Now star goes on to reveal her father was “physically violent” — though she doesn’t say if he abused her or her mother or both. Knowing these kinds of men it’s always eventually both, though, isn’t it. She says:

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