The Controversial Story of Scientology: Paying for Religion?

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Scientology is one of the most secret and infamous organizations on the planet. Known as the Church of Scientology, the organization has depicted itself as a religious movement determined to save the future of mankind. In reality, Scientology is a powerful cult whose primary goal is to garner wealth and power.

Lafayette Ronald Hubbard was born in Tilden, Nebraska in 1911. As a child, he was known to get lost in his own imaginative world and he struggled with academics throughout his youth, flunking out of George Washington University after just two years. Later, Hubbard was rejected from the Navy and re-enlisted during World War II, only to be discharged from his post for disobeying commands.

Despite these early struggles, Hubbard eventually became a prolific writer, well-known for his ability to produce a high volume of material in a short period of time. He wrote in a variety of genres but is most acknowledged for his works of science fiction. However, Hubbard’s true desire was not to write, but to be rich and powerful.

“Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man really wanted to make a million dollars, the best way to do it would be to start his own religion.” L. Ron Hubbard as quoted by Margery Wakefield

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