Alleged child abuse case puts banned Malaysian sect back in spotlight

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KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) – On its website, Global Ikhwan Services and Business Holdings (GISB) describes itself as a Malaysian conglomerate with a vision to implement the Islamic way of life in line with the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad.

But the rescue this week of hundreds of children and youths from what Malaysian authorities said was suspected sexual abuse at charity homes allegedly run by GISB has put back in the spotlight the firm’s roots in a religious sect outlawed by the government three decades ago.

GISB acknowledges links to the religious sect Al-Arqam, which was banned in 1994, and names the sect’s late preacher Ashaari Muhammad as its founder, but has largely sought to distance itself from the group’s practices and beliefs, which the government views as heretical.

GISB has said it did not run the homes and has denied all allegations of abuse. In a video posted on Facebook (NASDAQ:META), however, its chief executive said the firm had broken unspecified laws and that there were ‘one or two’ cases of sodomy at the youth homes.

In 2011, GISB made headlines for its controversial views on sex and marriage, which included encouraging polygamous families and setting up the Obedient Wives’ Club, a group that called on wives to submit to their spouses “like prostitutes”.

The police raids on the charity homes in two Malaysian states this week came after several Islamic leaders called on the government to probe GISB’s activities.

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