Former FLDS members team up with biker group to search for missing children

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On a cold morning in April, a group of bikers, clad in leather, gathered at dawn in Brigham City, Utah, in an empty parking lot next to a park. The men and women of Road Warriors for the Missing weren’t getting ready for a joyride. Instead, they were preparing to chase down a lead. Their goal: looking for a child who has been missing since January 2023.

Elintra Fischer, a 17-year-old girl born into the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS), the polygamist breakaway offshoot of Mormonism, ran away from her mother’s home on New Year’s Day in 2023. Her mother and local law enforcement have been looking for her ever since.

“The network we’re up against is, is big. It’s expansive,” Jason Clark, the founder of Road Warriors, said about the FLDS. “They’ve got a lot of, a lot of places to go. They’ve got a lot of places where they can put these kids that are making [them] difficult to find.”

Four mothers – Lorraine Jessop, Mirinda Johnson, Elizabeth Roundy, and Sarah Johnson – all ex-members of the FLDS, are looking for their missing children. Their kids, labeled as ‘runaways’ by law enforcement, have disappeared from remote towns dotting the Rocky Mountains.

The Road Warriors’ efforts include trying to find all the missing children; eight in total, one as young as 13.

In addition to Elintra, Salome Jessop, Denver Barlow, Manden Barlow, Truson Barlow, Nathan Barlow, Summer Barlow and Benjamin Barlow are also missing.

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