The sinister Scottish cult at the centre of a global FBI probe into thousands of abuse cases

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As a little girl, Sally would lie in bed, staving off sleep, ­terrified she might die in the night and be cast to the fires of Hell.

This paralysing fear wasn’t just childish imagination but had been drummed into her by the fire and brimstone teachings of the underground Christian cult in which she grew up.

It is a secretive religious group with no official name and few outside its membership have heard of it, yet its tentacles reach across multiple continents and its control over its devotees is absolute.

Sally said: ‘As a child I just remember being made to feel scared all the time, convinced I must have done something wrong, and I was going to Hell.

‘We were threatened with damnation for the smallest infraction. It was a way of controlling followers and it traumatised us as children.’

This cult has no church buildings, formal leadership or published doctrine and no financial paper trail or headquarters.

It dictates followers must suffer for salvation: TV, radio, the internet and music is banned, as is voting and any independent thought.

Women and girls are subjugated, told they can’t wear trousers, make-up or cut their hair, and men are their masters.

This sect has many informal labels: The Church with No Name; The Two by Twos; The Truth; The Way; and in Scotland’s North-East, where Sally was raised, the vernacular is The Workers and Friends.

Whatever the label, it is a cult which has devastated lives and stolen childhoods, through coercive control and sexual abuse.

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