‘Online radicalisation’ partly to blame for rise in Australia’s national terrorism threat level

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Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced today (5 August) in Canberra that the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) was raising the national terrorism threat level from possible to probable.

The Prime Minister said that while there was no singular threat on the horizon, a rise in “extreme ideologies” being adopted at home and around the world was the key driver.

“My government’s first priority is the safety and security of Australians, and this morning, I convened a National Security Committee meeting to hear from the Director-General and also then we have just completed a cabinet meeting,” Prime Minister Albanese told a press conference.

“I want to reassure Australians, ‘probable’ does not mean ‘inevitable’, and it does not mean there is intelligence about an imminent threat or danger.”

The threat level last changed in 2022, when the level dropped in the other direction, from probable to possible.

Prime Minister Albanese said that many things were driving “this global trend towards violence”, including online radicalisation.

“Governments around the world are concerned about youth radicalisation, online radicalisation and the rise of new mixed ideologies,” Albanese said.

“My government respects our intelligence agencies, we listen to their advice and we act on their advice – and that is what we are doing today.”

Content retrieved from: https://www.cyberdaily.au/government/10921-online-radicalisation-partly-to-blame-for-rise-in-australias-national-terrorism-threat-level.

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