Inside North Korea’s brutal Olympic regime with spies & secret cops where brainwashed athletes face gulags if they fail

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BRAINWASHED North Korean Olympians will be spying on each other in Paris to ensure no one steps out of line, a defector says.

It’s believed competitors from the secretive state are held back by mutually-assured punishment if they step out of line – with a “monitoring” group noting their every move.

The Kim Jong-un led dictatorship has athletes back on the global stage for the first time since the Rio games in 2016.

They pulled out of Tokyo amid Covid fears, and for failing to send a team they were consequently banned from the Beijing Winter Olympics in 2022.

North Korea’s return to the Games in Paris has rekindled public interest in the lengths the regime goes to keep athletes isolated from the outside world.

Defector Jy Hyun Park, who now lives in the UK, told The Sun a culture of “mutual criticism” would ensure athletes don’t dare to step outside their guarded bubble.

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