Decades of debunking: One man’s quest to explain UFOs without aliens
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He has been dedicated to UFO research for decades.
The first thing Hansjurgen Kohler insists on clarifying as we begin our conversation is that at his place of work, the Central Research Network for Extraordinary Celestial Phenomena (Cenap), they don’t believe aliens are lurking somewhere on Earth.
“We differ from the ufologists, who claim that there is an extraterrestrial presence on Earth,” says Kohler, the founder and director of Germany’s UFO registration office Cenap.
Some ufologists, he explains, claim that some 113 dead and living aliens remain hidden in the US after 30 flying saucers crashed there.
“This is completely unfounded and also goes against our experience in over 50 years of active case investigations,” Kohler says.
According to its director, Cenap has processed more than 11,000 reports of unusual celestial sightings to date, analysing hundreds of photos and videos that could be attributed to natural and earthly causes.
While there are currently 119 unsolved cases, there’s no reason to engage in speculation, Kohler says. The problem with those cases is that they miss key data like the date, time or location of the sighting.
For all those immediately thinking of aliens, Kohler reminds us of the meaning of the acronym UFO: unidentified flying object.
He founded Cenap as a “point of contact for all those who want an explanation for a phenomenon they observed and didn’t understand”.
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