6 Black Cult Leaders Who Ran Into Trouble With American Law Enforcement

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Black cult leaders who, with their charisma and promises of salvation, ensnared followers into lives of manipulation, abuse, and criminality. Here are six cult leaders who ran into trouble with American law enforcement.

Kansas cult leader Royall Jenkins, once a member of the Nation of Islam, founded the United Nation of Islam and Value Creators. Under the guise of spiritual enlightenment, Jenkins subjected his followers to a regime of abuse, unpaid labor, and strict dietary restrictions. In 2018, a federal judge designated the group as a cult, leading to indictments against Jenkins and several of his wives. An indictment exposed the reality of forced labor, physical abuse, and exploitation of children within the organization. According to prosecutors, beginning in October 2000, the group allegedly utilized unpaid labor from its members and their children to operate businesses such as gas stations, bakeries, and restaurants across multiple states, Newsweek reported.

The indictment claimed that certain child victims were employed in establishments in Kansas City. In contrast, others were reportedly trafficked to businesses in various states, including New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Maryland, Georgia, and North Carolina.

Jenkins was formerly associated with the Nation of Islam until 1978. He convinced his followers that he had been enlightened on how to govern the Earth after purportedly being “guided through the galaxy by extraterrestrials aboard a spacecraft,” as stated in the indictment. At its peak, the group amassed hundreds of followers.

Egyptian-themed sect leader Dwight “Malachi” York headed the United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors. He reportedly preyed upon his followers’ vulnerabilities with promises of Black supremacy and salvation. However, behind the façade of an Egyptian-themed compound lay a web of sexual abuse, manipulation, and criminal activities. Dr. York’s arrest in 2002 unveiled a disturbing pattern of exploitation, with evidence of child abuse and molestation emerging from the compound.

In 2004, York was found guilty on 11 out of 13 charges related to racketeering and interstate transportation of minors for sexual purposes. Following his conviction, he was sentenced to 135 years in federal prison, where he has been incarcerated ever since.

Content retrieved from: https://moguldom.com/456396/6-black-cult-leaders-who-ran-into-trouble-with-american-law-enforcement/.

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